

About me

The Highest

Peaks, Poles & Paragraphs

From now on it's all uphill

My Highest

Germany extreme


To the springs!

602 border markers

Four ridges - One Summit

Own state or no man's land?

Wall and Ditch

Path to Palatinate

Mountains of the

What's next?

Key words




                      Little pinpoint landings in the Electoral Palatinate

Karl-Gottfried Nadler: “Fröhlich Palz, Gott erhalts: Poems in Palatinate dialect” (1847)

"Peaks, Poles and Paragraphs" is the title of this site. The splinters shown here are difficult to classify under this
heading at first glance. I will try:
They are peaks in the sense of recognizing and becoming aware of my own dialect and thus my own origin - 
they are poles marking the path back to my home in Heidelberg, which I exchanged for a job in the west of Frankfurt
50 years ago; they show me the paragraphs denominating the limitations in which I have remained trapped,
in spite of my worldwide activities.

Following Nadler's great example, here are a few humble samples, all of them published or being published in  in 
"Hierzuland - Das Regio-Magazin von Rhein, Neckar & Main":

"Geischenoe" Auf der Suche nach dem schwindenden Dialekt    No.48, pp. 56 - 58 (2015)

"Hervorheben und auslassen"
Besonderheiten der kurpfälzischen Wortbildung

"-Heim wird zu -e oder -em"
Kleine Grammatik der kurpfälzischen Ortsnamen

zu Ehren der Stadt, die ihren Dialektnamen offiziell führt

eine Spezialität Mannheims?

"Auf dem Neuenheimer Markt"
Gegummern kaufen

 "Heer !" – die pfälzische Aufforderung zum Zuhören

"Schang un Scheckel" – die bekannten Unbekannten

"Die Merkwürdigkeiten des Genitiv Plural" – und was dessen Varianten sind

"Zeiten in der Kurpfalz" – das seltsam Unbestimmte No. 55, p. 53 (2022)